Kurai sighed gently calming herself down after they had come back from Hueco Hundo. Soon the mask crawled off of her face & turned into nothing. Avoiding eye-contact with Reina she calmly walked to the closet saying, "I have many types of clothing, feel free to put on whatever you want," as she said this she began pulling out some clothing for her own. "Right now, I don't care what you put on, all I know is that I want you to stay in this house." takeing out a pair of light blue jeans & a white shirt with a large black '7' in the back she went to her dresser & opened afew drawrs. "Anything extra like socks, underwear, & anything else is in here..." After she said this she looked to the window & soon after afew vines grew across the walls & the window makeing an sheild to protect Reina. She waited untill the vines were completly around the room before she exited it. Walking into the bathroom she closed the door behind her & soon the vines fell from her & she slipped on the clothing she got for herself. Brushing her long hair for a moment she stared in the mirror for a second before she broke down & began sobbing over the bleached sink. "Why...?" she cryed holding her face in her palms & sobbing into them.
((OOC: If anyone else if going to post in this thread, at least wait for Reina to post. THAT MEANS YOU MAJEH.))