Byakuya doesn't need to bathe...dirt runs away from him.
Byakuya doesn't sleep...he just becomes slightly less deadly.
Byakuya is so uptight that his body deflects Kidou Destruction techniques.
Byakuya once smiled...and he then proceeded to kill everyone in the room to keep it a secret.
Byakuya's apparent contempt for others is actually a Black Ops technique studied by everyone in the Second Division.
Byakuya failed a course on empathy taught by a killer robot.
Byakuya does not lose fights. The closest he gets is a fight in which he takes his opponent with him.
It has been rumored that Byakuya's tears can cure any disease. However, this is unconfirmed because the bastard never cries.
Byakuya's glare is actually a level 100 Kidou technique.
Byakuya does not get made a bitch. He makes people bitches.
Zanpuktohs do not kill people. Byakuya does.
Kurotsuchi once tried to get readings on Byakuya during a fight. His instruments displayed one word: PWNED.
Byakyuya does not need to read...books confess to him.