The New Age Begins...
It has been six years since Yusuke has seen Kuwabara, Kurama, and Hiei. Yusuke has pushed back his past of fighting and quests for staying at home with his own two year old child. Yusuke works for a local company and always wonders what is happening to his old buddies.
Hiei left Muroku to live a life on his own once again. He now roams the demon plane trying to get stronger and stronger at every moment. Every now and then he checks up on his sister.
Kurama walks around with Hiei at times but is now no where to be found.
Kuwabara is a father of his own one year old baby girl, who he is externally overprotective of.
On July 19, Yusuke's two year old daughter was becoming three, and it was Yusuke's worst day of his life. His daughter was taken away from him by an unknown demon that was wearing a white cloak. On his cloak had a name called, Death's Peace.
In frustration Yusuke looked up this group and found out that they where a rising group in the demon area. This group thought that human innocents gave demons extra power. After a few days of Yusuke's daughter begin stolen Kuwabara's child was stolen as well. If this is true about demons what will happen?
Will you join to save the children of the world, or will you be the one searching for power.
Cannons open! New Site!//\\//\\